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Friday, May 23, 2008


My name is Azu, and I was the kind of person who was slightly above average. Just like everyone else I knew. I suppose the only way I can tell this is as if I never knew what was coming.

I was only seven at the time.It was a Tuesday afternoon one day after school sometime in September ,I think. We were at my brother's friend's (The friend's name is Zeek.) house because Zeek's mom ran a daycare service for kids before and after they went to school. We, being mostly elementary schoolers at the time didn't have much homework and were, completely, and absolutely bored. It was then, we started a game of stupid hide-and-seek. I'm not saying I believe hide-and-seek is stupid, on the contrary, I loved hide and seek. Because I was quite small time I loved hiding in very unusual places, like, say clinging to the back of a small rocking chair, or placing pillows and a helmet arranged like a person under the blankets of Zeek's bed, and actually be hidden under the pillows and blankets.

Stupid hide and seek was created by a group of children on day when they were very bored but didn't want to play regular hide and seek. (aka: Us seven kids who were regularly at Zeek's house.) It involves pretending to be something your not like a statue, a robot, a door, a chair, a rug, a lamp, a dog, or even just following the seeker and freezing whenever they look at you. So we began to play that Tuesday afternoon. As my brother began to count to twenty (a shorter time for an easier game.) I quickly lay down on the floor and pretended to be a rug. Staying still I watched Coco (not her real name but I couldn't quite remember it at the time.) Sit on the floor and pretend to be a chair. My brother wandered around and sat on Coco, pushed open Zeek (a door), stepped on me, and try to turn around quick enough to catch the kid following him moving. All the while I stared at Coco and tried not to blink. My eyes began to burn but I couldn't blink yet, 'He's looking at me' I thought, 'I can't loose'. Suddenly I realized that I wasn't looking at Coco anymore but at a small purple chair.

I blinked.

Coco was sitting there wearing her purple play clothes. Not a chair in my sight.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The befinning

I would of course say that this was the beginning, but of course, this wasn't the beginning at all. This was the end. Hence the beFINning. And perhaps I should mention that this all started with a game of hide and seek. It's not my job to tell you how this story starts, I am going to tell you how it ends. Read the befinning if you dare, my good readers. For danger starts at a beginning.

You have been warned,
The Book Keeper